Why Become a Member?
Whether you are interested in strengthening your network, furthering your business, career, customers or maybe just in need of a few more friends, professional networking organizations can be a great option for you. In addition to providing information about your chosen field, professional organizations can enhance your personal and professional development and provide endless networking opportunities. Contact Jacque Bee for membership application. Email address: myjacquebee@yahoo.com, call 323-449-2099.
Special Membership/Ad Package 2024
Membership Special
Purchase a Quarter-Page Ad and Recycling Black Dollars Professional Membership Combo.
Business Listing by industry category in the mobile digital and printed issues.
Interactive Mobile Features with your social media and website

$365.00 Business Professionals
All Business Benefits
Special Half-Page ad during Membership Drive
Discount to workshops
Two email blast to RBD database
Opportunity to be a Speaker at our Breakfast or Evening Network Mixers
All new members featured in our Welcome Newsletter with your contact information and the direct link to your website.

Join Recycling Black Dollars and become a solution in our community. Call Us at 323-449-2099 for additional information.
Contact Recycling Black Dollars
3818 Crenshaw Blvd, #908, Los Angeles, CA 90008, USA
(323) 449-2099